别再说“I don’t like it”-怎样礼貌地表达不喜欢!- Marina 老师教你说英语系列-7


别再说“I don’t like it”怎样礼貌地表达不喜欢- 怎样让你听起来像个土著!- Marina 老师教你说英语系列-7

今天,我要教你们说“我不喜欢”的不同方式。在西方文化中,礼貌是最重要的,因为你不想伤害别人。如果有人给你一个蛋糕,你不会只是说“我不喜欢” ,你是在试图在这种情况下更礼貌和鼓励。

“ i dislike it”是“ i don’t like it”的正式表达方式。这是非常直接的,可能会冒犯到一些人。你也可以说“我不感兴趣”。你可以说: “你的建议很好,但我真的没有兴趣在接下来的几个星期里跳上去,因为我正在休产假。”


“ i’m not into it”。我敢肯定你已经听过几百遍了。“ To be into something”意思是喜欢某事。


短语“ i’m not crazy about it”类似于“ not be fond of something”。

另一个你可以使用的短语是“ it’s not for me” ,这是一种中性的解释方式,表示你对某事不感兴趣。

“ i’m not much of a… person”等于“ it’s not for me”。

“ i’ll pass”是表示你对建议不感兴趣的一种快速方式。例如,你被邀请在周六晚上外出,你决定留在家里学习一门语言。所以你告诉你的朋友们: “对不起,伙计们,我不去了”

下一个短语非常直接,你不会在商务会议或正式互动中使用它。这是你可以用在真正亲密的朋友身上的东西。例如,有人试图亲吻你的脸颊,你可以说: “我受不了了。”

另一个强烈的短语是“ It drives me crazy” ,实际上意思是你讨厌某样东西。

下一句话带有一点英国味道,是“ it’s not my cup of tea”。意思是”不喜欢”

我们的最后一个短语“ it’s not my thing”与前一个短语相似,意思相同: “ i don’t like… ”或“ i am not interested in… ”

Photography of woman listening to music

Today, I am going to teach you different ways you can say “I don’t like it”.

In Western cultures, it’s all about being polite because you don’t want to hurt people. If someone gives you a cake you don’t just say “I don’t like it”, you’re trying to be more polite and encouraging in this situation.

“I dislike it” is a formal way of saying “I don’t like it”. It is very direct and could cause offense to some people.

You can also say “I’m not interested”. You can say: “Your proposal is great but I am not really interested in jumping on it in the next few weeks because I am on my maternity leave.”

If you’re unhappy with somebody’s actions, you can say “I don’t appreciate it”. “I’m not into it”. I’m sure you’ve heard it hundreds of times! ”

To be into something” is to like something. “I’m not fond of it”.

Not to be fond of something is an informal way of saying you don’t like it very much.

The expression “I’m not crazy about it” is similar to “not be fond of something”.

Another phrase that you can use is “it’s not for me” which is a neutral way of explaining that you are not interested in something.

“I’m not much of a … person” is the same as “it’s not for me”. “I’ll pass” is a quick way of saying you are not interested in a suggestion.

For example, you are invited to go out on a Saturday night and you decide to stay home and learn a language. So you tell your friends: “Sorry guys, I’ll pass” The next phrase is really direct, you wouldn’t use it in a business meeting or in a formal interaction.

This is something that you would use with really close friends. For example, somebody is trying to kiss you on the cheek and you can say: “I can’t stand it.” Another strong phrase is “It drives me crazy”. It actually means that you hate something.

The next phrase is a bit of British and it is “it’s not my cup of tea”. It means “to not like.” Our last expression “it’s not my thing” is similar to the previous one, and means the same thing: “I don’t like…” or “I am not interested in…”


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