【外贸英语】14个更地道的英文单词短语 14 Advanced English Words to Sound Like a Native Speaker

【外贸英语】14个更地道的英文单词短语 14 Advanced English Words to Sound Like a Native Speaker

【外贸英语】14个更地道的英文单词短语 14 Advanced English Words to Sound Like a Native Speaker

It takes several interactions with a word before you can actually use it. 在你真正使用一个单词之前,它需要多次互动。
First, you hear it in my video.首先,你可以在我的视频中听到。
Second, you use it in a comment down below. 其次,你可以在下面的评论中使用它。
Third, you read a magazine and encounter this word once again. 第三,你读一本杂志,再次遇到这个词。
Fourth, you start using it. 第四,你开始使用它。
Fifth, it’s already in your vocabulary. 第五,它已经在你的词汇表里了。

If you want to learn more advanced English words, try to read magazines and websites that you find interesting (techcrunch.xom, Vogue, Elle, etc.). Practice 5 new words every day. (如果你想学习更高级的英语单词,试着阅读一些你感兴趣的杂志和网站(techcrunch.xom,Vogue,Elle 等等)。每天练习5个新单词。)

(1) TO CONFRONT: to come face to face with (someone)  面对: 与某人面对面
(2) COHERENT: logical and strategical 连贯性: 逻辑性和战略性
(3) EMPATHY: understanding and entering into another’s feelings 同理心: 理解和进入他人的感受
(4) WITTY: demonstrating striking cleverness and humor 诙谐: 表现出惊人的聪明和幽默
(5) FABRICATE: make up something artificial or untrue 捏造: 捏造虚假的事情
(6) INHABITANT: a person or animal that lives in or occupies a place 居住者: 居住在或占据一个地方的人或动物
(7) TO RECKON: to expect, believe, or suppose 推测: 期待、相信或假设
(8) TO RIFLE: to go through in search of something 搜寻: 为了寻找某物而穿过
(9) TO ASK OUT: when you ask someone to go with you to a certain place or for a special occasion 约会: 当你邀请某人和你一起去某个地方或某个特别的场合
(10) TO BACK DOWN: to withdraw from a commitment or position 退让: 从一项承诺或职位上撤回
(11) TO CALL OFF: to cancel an event that has been previously planned 取消: 取消已经计划好的活动
(12) TO GET AWAY WITH: to cancel an event that has been previously planned TO GET AWAY WITH: 取消已经计划好的活动
(13) TO PASS OUT: to become unconscious 昏过去: 变得无意识
(14) TO TURN DOWN: to refuse 拒绝: 拒绝


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