不要老说 YES !怎样让你听起来像个土著!Linguamarina 老师教你说英语系列-1


停止使用YES—— 怎样可以让你听起来像个native speaker!Linguamarina 老师教你说英语系列-1

Marina 老师,自带光芒的创业者、企业家,在外网的社交媒体有数百万粉丝。她的教你说英语系列诙谐幽默,不知不觉让你在笑声中学习地道的英语。以后给客户电话、陪客户商谈,去国外与客户面基啊就不会那么处处有Chinglish中式英语的尴尬场面了。快跟美女老师学起来吧!


玛丽娜 · 莫吉尔科Marina Mogilko

— Founded her first company at the age of 21 investing only $300 ー她在21岁时创办了自己的第一家公司,投资仅为300美元

— After 3 years, the company has reached ー3年后,公司已达到$1.5 million 150万美元

— Graduated from the Economics Department of Saint Petersburg State University ー毕业于圣彼得堡国立大学经济系

— Speaks ー说话4 languages 4种语言

— Entered into the Encyclopedia of Russian Talented Youth ーー入选《俄罗斯青年才俊百科全书》

— Passed TOEFL and GMAT, receiving a ー通过托福和 GMAT 考试,获得US government grant Opportunity Award 美国政府颁发机会奖

— Received an invitation from 500 Startups, a venture capital seed fund & startup accelerator, and moved from St. Petersburg to Silicon Valley. ー受到风险投资种子基金和创业加速器“500 Startups”的邀请,从圣彼得堡搬到硅谷

STOP using YES!  Use these alternatives to SOUND LIKE A NATIVE Speaker!


1. 利用声音和肢体语言

你可以不用声音或肢体语言来表达 “Yes”。当你嘴里塞满了食物或你害怕用错词或短语时,这些特别有用:

  • Mhm
  • [做出OK的手势]
  • [点头]
  • [竖大拇指]

2. 非正式的

当你在非正式场合时,你往往会选择使用随意的语言。例如,当你和你的朋友和家人说话时,你可能会用 “yep “来回答,而不是更正式的 “indeed”。

  • Okie dokie
  • Ok
  • K
  • Alright

3. 挖苦/讽刺

Sometimes, the best way to respond is with a good old sarcastic acceptance. Typically, these are used in informal circumstances when you want to be sassy or funny.


  • Yeah, yeah, yeah
  • Obviously
  • Affirmative

4. 正式的


  • Certainly
  • Definitely
  • Of course
  • Gladly

The word “yes” has many forms and functions. However, it is not the the only word you can use when you wish to affirm something. These alternatives call help you on your way to becoming well-spoken!

(1) SOUNDS AND BODY LANGUAGE You can express “yes” without words. These are particularly useful when your mouth is full of food or you’re afraid to use a wrong word or phrase. – Mhm – [Okay sign] – [Nodding] – [Thumbs up]

(2) INFORMAL When you’re in informal situations, you will often choose to use casual language. For instance, when speaking to your friends and family, you would probably respond with “yep” rather than the much more formal “indeed.” – Okie dokie – Ok – K – Alright – Etc.

(3) SARCASTIC Sometimes, the best way to respond is with a good old sarcastic acceptance. Typically, these are used in informal circumstances when you want to be sassy or funny. – Yeah, yeah, yeah – Obviously – Affirmative

(4) FORMAL When you find yourself in formal situations, it is important to speak or write using formal language. Typically, you should avoid short forms, abbreviations, and slang. – Certainly – Definitely – Of course – Gladly – Etc.


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