【外贸业务】当客户说 I’ll get back to you 的时候,你最好的回应方式是什么


【外贸业务】当客户说 I’ll get back to you 的时候,你最好的回应方式是什么

当客户说 I’ll get back to you 时,你如何处理?这个最常用的烟幕弹,也包括下面这些不同的说法:

  • I need to think about it
  • Need to wait until next week/month
  • I’ll get back to you

很多销售代表都在为这个问题而苦恼,因为他们认为潜在客户并没有直接说No,所以他们不知道该如何应对。但其实你也知道潜在客户其实是在说 No,只是他们说的方式让你难以处理。


1. 他们认为你不适合,他们对你提供的产品/服务不感兴趣;
2. 你的产品或服务,没有他们想要的功能或好处;
3. 他们确实买不起你提供的产品或服务,或者超出了他们的预算。




Well you know what [prospect name], usually when I hear someone say that they’ll get back to me, I never hear from them again. Let’s bottom line this. What would it take for you and I to do business today?

潜在客户可能会说:Well you know actually, I need this information / some references/ a plan/ to talk to someone.  当你向潜在客户提出一个非常简单而又深刻的问题时,你可以集中精力解决这个特殊的问题,或者处理你不知道你到底要解决什么的异议。


Well, you know what [prospect name], usually when someone says that they’ll get back to me, I never hear from them again. I mean, you’re just trying to be polite. You don’t want to reject me, isn’t this the case here? Exactly what’s going on? Is it the terms? The price? The money? What part of the deal is it you don’t like? You can tell me. Assuming we’re not gonna do business, let’s lay everything on the table. Tell me, what don’t you like about the deal?

潜在客户可能会说 Well, actually, the price is a little bit too high. 你要看清发生的一切,看清谎言和阻力。他们说谎是为了保护自己,所以他们不会给你太多信息。有时只需要问几个问题就能克服反对意见,完成销售。


[prospect name], whenever I tell someone I need to think about it, I usually mean one of three things:

  1. I’m not going to be a deal for whatever reason and I just want to get them off the phone,
  2. I kind of like the idea but I’m going to have to find the money or talk to my partner, or something else is holding me back,
  3. I really like the idea and I just have to move something around before I say yes.

Be honest with me; which one of those things is it for you right now?


[prospect name], what I’m hearing from you is essentially a no – and that’s alright. As a sales rep, I hear that all the time and it doesn’t bother me. It just means I haven’t yet explained the value proposition right. Tell me, what would it take to convince you that this would be a good idea to move forward with – and please be honest with me.


[prospect name], let’s face it – you’ve already been thinking about this for a long time. You know you have to make a change or nothing else will change with (your operating system, your results, etc.).

Thinking about it more won’t fix things for you – only making a decision will. You like this; you’ve already told me it would work for you.

So let’s do this – go ahead and put me/this solution to work for you now and if you change your mind later you will still get the benefit that you’ve acknowledged you need. Here’s what we need to do to get you started…


上一篇 2021年3月12日 上午8:43
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