【外贸知识】别再说 “I Want” 怎样让你听起来像个土著!- Marina 老师教你说英语系列-10

【外贸知识】别再说 “I Want” 怎样让你听起来像个土著!- Marina 老师教你说英语系列-10

【外贸知识】别再说“I Want”怎样让你听起来像个土著!Marina老师教你说英语系列-10。STOP saying “I WANT”! Use these 8 English alternatives instead!

“I want” is a phrase that people use every day. With this video, you’ll learn synonyms and alternatives that might help you express your desires in a better way.“我想要”是人们每天使用的一个短语。通过这个视频,你将学到同义词和替代词,它们可能会帮助你更好地表达你的愿望。

(1) I’M CRAVING … For example, when you’re pregnant, you crave a lot of things. You don’t have to use it only when you are pregnant, you can say it all the time when you really want to eat something.我渴望… ..。例如,当你怀孕的时候,你渴望很多东西。你不必只在怀孕的时候才用它,当你真的想吃东西的时候,你可以一直说出来。

(2) I’M IN THE MOOD FOR … This phrase is light and fun. You can use it when talking about the food or something that you are willing to do.我有心情… ..。这个短语轻松有趣。你可以在谈论食物或者你愿意做的事情时使用它。

(3) I FEEL LIKE … You’ve probably learnt this one but don’t use it quite often. This phrase means a spontaneous desire for something.我觉得… ..。你可能已经学过这个短语,但并不经常使用。这个短语的意思是对某事的自发的渴望。

(4) I REALLY FANCY … This is similar to “I feel like,” but this phrase is mostly used in the UK.我真的很喜欢… ..。这类似于“我感觉像” ,但这个短语主要在英国使用。

(5) I COULD REALLY DO WITH … This phrase is almost like “I need.”我真的需要… ..。这句话几乎就像是“我需要。”

(6) I’D KILL FOR … When you really really really want something and you’re talking to a friend, you can use this phrase to express your desire.我会为了… 而杀人。当你真的真的想要某样东西,并且你正在和一个朋友交谈时,你可以用这个短语来表达你的愿望。

(7) I’M DYING FOR … This one is pretty much the same as “I’d kill for…” You often hear people using both these phrases for things they’re addicted to.我渴望… ..。这句话和“ i’d kill for… ”差不多,你经常听到人们用这两个短语来表达他们上瘾的东西。

(8) I’M UP FOR … This phrase is really useful. Use this phrase when you are open to something but you are not committing to it. For example, somebody asks you to do something for them and you can reply with “I’m up for it.”我准备… ..。这句话真的很有用。当你对某事持开放态度,但你并没有对其做出承诺时,就可以使用这个短语。例如,有人要求你为他们做一些事情,你可以回答“我愿意”


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