不要老说 What? !怎样让你听起来像个土著!Marina 老师教你说英语系列-3

不要老说 What? !怎样让你听起来像个土著!Marina 老师教你说英语系列-3

STOP ASKING ‘WHAT?’ | Smart Ways to Say You Don’t Understand. 不要再问“什么? ” | 说你’不明白’的聪明方法

“嘿,伙计们,欢迎来到我的频道!这里是 LinguaMarina!”


例如,英国人经常用“ pardon? ”当他们说这句话的时候,他们的意思是他们没有听懂你说的话,所以你应该重复。


•- Sorry?
• -Excuse me?
• -I beg your pardon?



• Excuse me, I didn’t catch you. Could you repeat this again, please?
• I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Can you repeat, please?
• I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Could you repeat, please?
• Excuse me, I hear this word for the first time. Could you explain what it means?
• I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand what you mean by…
对不起,我不太明白你说的… ..。



• -What did you say?
• -Huh?
• -‘Scuse me?
• -What was that?
• -Hmm?


• -Come again?

•- I don’t get it






Photography of woman listening to music


STOP SAYING “I’M FINE!” | Reply This to “HOW ARE YOU?”

Hey guys, welcome to my channel! This is Linguamarina!

What is your natural reaction to this? WHAAAT? This is a way a lot of you ask people to repeat things. There are other ways to ask people to repeat something and we are going to talk about these things in today’s video.

Wу are going to start with formal ways. For example, British people often use “pardon?” When they say it, they mean that they didn’t get what you were saying, so you are supposed to repeat.

Some other formal short phrases that you can use are:
• Sorry?
• Excuse me?
• I beg your pardon?

There are also some certain phrases that would help you out in the situation when you don’t understand something. The questions below are always polite and professional to use in a conversation:
• Excuse me, I didn’t catch you. Could you repeat this again, please?
• I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Can you repeat, please?
• I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Could you repeat, please?
• Excuse me, I hear this word for the first time. Could you explain what it means?
• I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand what you mean by…

Of course, there are informal ways of asking people to repeat things. However, you need to make sure you maintain the right intonation. Here are some of the short phrases you can use:
• What did you say?
• Huh?
• ‘Scuse me?
• What was that?
• Hmm?

Now, let’s cover some slang phrases:
• Come again?
• Pass that by me again?
• I don’t get it

And I want to wrap up this video with idioms that you can use in the situation when you don’t understand what the other person is saying to you:
• This is all Greek to me
• I think our wires are crossed
• That was as clear as mud
• Everything you said is just a word salad


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