不要老说 NO !怎样让你听起来像个土著!Linguamarina 老师教你说英语系列-2

不要老说 NO !怎样让你听起来像个土著!Linguamarina 老师教你说英语系列-2

“No”这个单词短小、消极、强调。然而,有时使用更礼貌的替代方式会更好。英语中的 “No”有很多不同的说法,你可以在不同的情况下使用。

1. 正式的替代办法

  • I am afraid not
    这可能是英语中说 “不”的最礼貌的方式之一。你可能会被邀请去参加一个聚会或与朋友见面吃东西。你很想去,但由于某些原因你无法参加。在这种情况下,你可以用礼貌的方式拒绝邀请。
  • Not really
  • Probably/possibly not
  • Not to my knowledge

2. 非正式的替代方式

  • Certainly not
  • You must be joking
  • No way

3. 通俗自然的替代词

  • I’m good
  • Not right now
  • Nah
  • Nope
  • Never

The word “no” is short, negative and emphatic. However, sometimes it’s better to use more polite alternatives. There are a number of different ways to say “no” in English that you can use in different circumstances.


– I am afraid not This is probably one of the most polite ways to say “no” in English. You may be asked to go to a party or meet your friends for something to eat. You would like to go but for some reason you are unable to attend. In this situation, you can turn down the invitation in a polite way. – Not really Not quite, not particularly. In this situation you are asked what you might like to do. You would prefer to do something else or indeed you might prefer to do nothing. – Probably/possibly not Where you may not feel that you are likely to succeed but you are still going to try then you can use either “probably/possibly not”. – Not to my knowledge This is a much more formal denial. This would be best used in a business context where you do not really know the person, to whom you are talking, very well.


– Certainly not This is a much more firm denial or refusal and can be used when you want the person you are talking to, to be clear as to what you mean. – You must be joking When you cannot believe that someone is serious about something you can use the phrase “you must be joking” – No way Sometimes said as a joke or also as a more serious statement. Usually used to tell somebody that you cannot agree with what they have said.


– I’m good

– Not right now

– Nah

– Nope

– Never


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