
当你们公司在花了几个月的时间开发一个产品之后,最重要的事情就是把它推向世界,而邮件是传播你的新产品的一个好渠道。接下来我们将从新产品邮件的主题行和正文这两个方面来,告诉你如何写一封可以增加销售的邮件,stay tuned…






  • 激发兴趣和好奇心
  • 明确而紧急的行动呼吁
  • 一个提议/诱人的折扣
  • 相关性
  • 个性化(这可以通过根据用户的喜好向其发送不同版本的电子邮件来实现)


1. 适合B2B的发布新产品的邮件主题行

  • New from [Company]: A Solution for [Main Problem]
  • [Product]: A Solution to Your [Problem]
  • Available Now: [Product], the Solution to [Problem]
  • [Product] is Now Available. Here’s How You Can Get it.
  • Problems With [Problem]? Try [Product] – New from [Company]
  • At Last – A Solution to Your [Problem]
  • Meet [Product]: A New Product to Help You [Benefit]
  • It’s Time! [Product] is now live. Click to learn more!
  • We just launched [Product] – And we need your help
  • [NOW LIVE]: [Product] is available to the public
  • [Product] launches today. Here’s what you need to know.
  • The moment you’ve all been waiting for: [Product] is here.
  • [PLEASE READ]: Everything you need to know about [Product].
  • [Product] goes live today. Help us spread the word!
  • [#] Days Until [Product]: This Week’s Update
  • New from [Company]: A Solution for [Main Problem]
  • [Product]: A Solution to Your [Problem]
  • Available Now: [Product], the Solution to [Problem]
  • [Product] is Now Available. Here’s How You Can Get it.
  • Problems With [Problem]? Try [Product] – New from [Company]
  • At Last – A Solution to Your [Problem]
  • Meet [Product]: A New Product to Help You [Benefit]

2. 适合B2C的发布新产品的邮件主题行

  • BRAND-NEW certification released today
  • Meet your new [product]
  • Introducing our latest…(product/feature here)
  • The [your company] holiday catalog is here!
  • New Feature: Reviews by You!
  • The Wait Is Over: [product/feature] Is Here
  • Discover our new…
  • Meet Our New…
  • May We Introduce…
  • New arrivals alert!
  • Is this is the hottest product in the market?
  • Weekend only: Get this new product before its gone
  • Last day to grab offers on new product launch
  • Something new is coming to [name]
  • We like to introduce these attributes of our new [name]
  • You have never liked your new [name] so much.
  • IMPORTANT UPDATE- The all-new (name) is here!
  • Yep, that just happened…
  • You are missing out on new trends
  • It’s coming
  • You look great in these brand new [name of product]
  • Flash Sale alert this Christmas. Get new stock.
  • 33 percent off in new arrivals
  • Look what you did today. Unlocked new product
  • Surprise package inside. Open your mail.
  • Get a head start this winter season
  • Cheers to new product launches!!
  • [Product] Launch Status: Today’s Action Items
  • Get ready for our new product launch
  • It’s finally here! Check it out inside.
  • We have progressed a lot. Launch new [bag]
  • A new product that will not allow to pass on
  • It’s out! [Name Of Product]
  • New products alert. Shop for new arrivals today
  • Don’t wear old style of clothing. Try a different style.
  • Avail free discount and bring this new product to your home.
  • As you wish. Just shop new products
  • Don’t miss out on all new arrivals.
  • 27 percent off on your new product launches
  • New season and new product launch
  • Are you stealing our new product launch ideas?
  • New products or arrivals just landed
  • Flash sale. Up to 50 percent off on new arrivals



1. 确定受众


2. 说重点

在邮件开头就让读者知道你有一个新产品。一来就让他们知道这是一封营销或销售性质的邮件,不需要太多花言巧语。开始时要简单一些,比如:We are super excited to announce our new [name of your new product]。先让对方知道你要提供什么,然后在后面的内容中来吸引他们。

3. 描述产品


4. 呼吁行动 Call To Action !!!




上一篇 2021年6月6日 上午9:38
下一篇 2021年6月7日 下午7:08



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